Candidly Corbin, The Man Behind The Candid Professional

Candidly Corbin, The Man Behind The Candid Professional

Recently, I had the great privilege and pleasure of being interviewed by By Danielle Echols of Design Dance. Design Dance is an amazing non-profit that emphasizes self expression and confidence building through dance and movement.  

Here's what she had to say:

Learn how #AcceptanceTour speaker Corbin J. Pickett#TheCandidProfessional, has used his skills and experience to design opportunities for young entrepreneurs. He will be one of the speakers at our upcoming Acceptance Tour weekend in LA. Read his story here: 

5 Things I Learned Through Internships

5 Things I Learned Through Internships

1. Every company will teach you how they operate and their unique language. I eventually switched my major from Business to International Studies with the newfound understanding each company will teach me their own ways, a general knowledge of business helps but I could afford to spend more time learning other subjects that are actually very applicable to where I wanted to go within business.

Post-Interview... What did you Learn?

Post-Interview... What did you Learn?

There’s the online job listing. There’s the ‘About Us’ web page. There are sites such as Glassdoor and Wikipedia. And if you’re really lucky, there’s an inside employee contact. These generally make up a job seeker’s sources of information of what it would actually be like to work at the company. Most of the time it just seems like far too little to go off of to make the career/life decision comfortably.

Breaking down and analyzing your interview process with a company is key for reading into how they view and treat their employees and how you might be viewed and treated within the role you’re applying for.