
When Shit Hits the Fan... 5 Steps to Overcoming Depressing Times

When Shit Hits the Fan... 5 Steps to Overcoming Depressing Times

Now, the point of this post is to not get into the details of what happened to throw me off my game and put me in a rut. Instead, the point is to share with you how I manage through this and other situations like it. And my personal strategies to help me get out of my ruts and eventually get back into my flow.

5 Steps to getting out of your rut...

In-Office Squad Goals: Forming your Team

In-Office Squad Goals: Forming your Team

One of the most important things when entering a new gig… one must develop their TEAM. Running with the team concept, most team sports would be pretty insufficient if everyone on the team specialized in the same aspects. A basketball team with 5 centers would struggle dribbling the ball up the court; or a soccer team with all goalies may struggle scoring a bit.

5 Things I Learned Through Internships

5 Things I Learned Through Internships

1. Every company will teach you how they operate and their unique language. I eventually switched my major from Business to International Studies with the newfound understanding each company will teach me their own ways, a general knowledge of business helps but I could afford to spend more time learning other subjects that are actually very applicable to where I wanted to go within business.

Post-Interview... What did you Learn?

Post-Interview... What did you Learn?

There’s the online job listing. There’s the ‘About Us’ web page. There are sites such as Glassdoor and Wikipedia. And if you’re really lucky, there’s an inside employee contact. These generally make up a job seeker’s sources of information of what it would actually be like to work at the company. Most of the time it just seems like far too little to go off of to make the career/life decision comfortably.

Breaking down and analyzing your interview process with a company is key for reading into how they view and treat their employees and how you might be viewed and treated within the role you’re applying for.