CANDID Mentorship Training


I help equip mentors, aspiring mentors, and youth workshop facilitators with the understanding of mentoring frameworks and strategies to best and confidently support our young people!

For Mentors:

Mentors need mentors too! It’s vital we insure those who are supporting and guiding our young people with the best of training. Ensuring their comprehension of important concepts such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Ladder of Influence, and Cultural Relevance is what I specialize in!

For non-Mentors:

Many employees and corporations are taking their own initiatives to build positive connections and impact in their local communities. While many professionals may enjoy speaking at a career day event or leading workshops at local schools, they may not be as comfortable forging impactful relationships with young people who just might be looking up to them as their new role model. This training helps professionals master the frameworks of mentoring to build up their confidence in establishing healthy and effective relationships when connecting with young people. Key essentials such as kick starting authentic conversations, how to relate through storytelling, and cognitive biases.

For Mentees:

Maximizing on the benefits of a mentoring relationship are not innate skills. Young people should be supported with the understanding how to manage and mature a mentoring relationship. And equally they need to feel empowered to know how to leverage their voice and their core values within a mentoring relationship and within all relationships they form.

Corbin’s Qualifications:

Trained in Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring, Critical Mentoring, and Human Empathy Building.

Taco Bell Foundation, Live Mas Scholars Mentee Training. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

BP Company Mentor Training for Non-Mentors. Anchorage, Alaska

BP Company Mentor Training for Non-Mentors. Anchorage, Alaska

JPMorgan Chase employee Mentor Training. Dallas, Texas

JPMorgan Chase employee Mentor Training. Dallas, Texas